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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Blog 2 / “Front Row, Back Row, What Feels Authentic When Doing Your Standing Bow?”

Dear Yogis:
          In the beginning of my practice, I was witness to the misconception that the front row was reserved for teachers and the awesomely experienced elite yogis.  Contrary to popular belief, I have found that the front row is open to anyone who is brave enough to bear what the front row has to offer. Unless it is your first class, allow yourself to see the front row as an option. You have earned it! When you come to class, you may have a spot that you prefer, but remember nothing is permanent. The only person who will ever stop you from coming to the front row is you.
Patanjali, author of the Yoga Sutras says it is important for us to remember that, “The Guru is in me.” The front mirrors can be a window into your authentic process of spiritual transformation by letting you truly see yourself, beyond your mind or egoic self. Despite the fact that in life as we can sometimes be our own worst critics, the front row can be an opportunity to bring out the kindness towards oneself. Whether it is being able to see yourself release the tension in your shoulders or a moment to smile at yourself when you fall out of a posture, the front row can also be an opportunity to find the lightness in your practice. 
When you are that close to the mirror, you can watch your breath move through your body. This can offer some clarity in understanding the connection between the body and mind and also help you to breathe easier.  Today, yoga is often thought to mean physical postures, asanas, however, this is only part of yoga. “Yoga means union-union of the inner and outer qualities of life” –Patanjali. It is more than a philosophy. It is the reality we manifest on a daily basis. All the external knowledge is actually an internal knowledge that is far more accessible to us than is commonly believed. When we go beyond coming from the external, hyper-individualized self, to interacting from the highest self, egoless internal space, than a profound shift can begin to develop.
Maybe you might be saying to yourself, “I’m not quite ready for the front row.” If this is you, try moving one spot over or a few inches in the direction that feels authentic for you. Just don’t sell yourself short by sticking to one spot out of fear. Remember that your regular spot will always be there. There are many paths to one path and there is no set plan for finding your authentic path. Though yoga is not a religion, it can be an entry way into the many facets of the exploration of authenticity and spirituality. The beginning of the actualization of the authentic self can begin in the front row of the hot room. Open yourself up to the unexplored and see what happens.
To infinity and beyond,
Little Yogagal    

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