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Friday, September 11, 2015

Blog #18: The Posture Series/ Toe Stand

Toe Stand: Padangustasana
"Concentration Is The Key"

This month's featured yogi is Tammy Baggio

Dear Yogis: 

      This month's featured pose is Toe Stand or Padangustana. For most beginners, this is the pose that seems, to say the least....impossible. Don't worry though, this mission is possible with time, practice, devotion and openness to accept your body's guidance.  Let us talk about how to get into the pose, benefits and tips of Toe Stand. 
How To Get Into The Pose:
1.      Begin standing in Mountain Pose with your arms at your sides.
2.      Shift your weight to your left foot, then bend your right knee up toward your chest. Raise your right foot and bring your right heel to rest on the front of your left thigh or hip. The sole of your foot should be facing the sky, and the top of your foot should rest on your leg or hip.
3.      Allow your right knee to drop down. Bring both hands to the center of your chest in prayer position, getting into Tree Pose.
4.      Choose one spot on the floor and make it your best friend. Concentrating on this one spot will  help your balance.
5.      From there, slowly hinge forward at the hips, strongly engaging your abdominal muscles to aid your balance. Keeping your standing leg straight, release your hands and place your fingertips on the floor in front of you.
6.      Bend your standing leg and bring your hips close to the floor. The thigh of your standing leg should come parallel to the floor, and all of your weight should be balanced across the ball of your standing foot. Rest your buttock on the heel of your standing foot.
7.      Continue to gaze at a single spot on the floor four feet in front of you.
8.      Keeping your abdominals engaged, bring your left hand to the center of your chest in half prayer position. If it is possible, bring your right hand to meet your left, pressing your palms together.
9.      Hold for up to 90 seconds.
10.  To release the pose, place your fingertips on the mat in front of you once again. Slowly straighten your standing leg. Inhale to return to standing, then gently release your raised leg. Repeat for the same amount of time on the opposite side.

Tips & Benefits:

To gain all of the benefits of Toe Stand Pose, try to keep your mind calm while maintaining correct alignment. Here are some tips to help you in the pose:
·         Take it slowly. As with all balancing poses, it’s easier to enter the pose slowly and with awareness. If you come into the pose too quickly, you’re more likely to lose your balance — and it’s more difficult to re-gain your balance once it’s been lost.
·         Keep your spine long throughout the pose, extending through the crown of your head. Imagine that you’re trying to touch the ceiling with the top of your head.
·        To help with balancing, keep your standing foot as close to the central line of your body as possible.
·    Practicing Toe Stand Pose will open your hips, but tighter hips will make it more difficult to achieve the pose.
·         Regularly practicing balancing poses, such as Toe Stand Pose, will increase your ability to keep a clear and calm mind in all situations, both on and off the mat. Adding this pose to your regular routine will open your hips, focus your thoughts, and create beautiful posture and grace that will benefit your mind, body, and spirit!

Listed below is a video of how to get into Bikram’s Toe Stand:

Sending Love, 
The little YogaGal