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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Blog #16: The Posture Series Standing Separate Leg To Knee Pose

Blog #16 The Posture Series: Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee Pose

Dear Yogi’s:
This months featured yogi: John Wisniewski    

You’re still buzzing from your high from Triangle pose and you may be thinking, “When is the floor series or when will this teacher ever shut up?” From Triangle to Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee Pose is a good time to practice Ahimsa. Ahimsa is one of the 8 limbs of yoga and translates in English to practicing non-violence or compassion for all living things. This means practicing non-violence in your thought process as well. It is important to remember that the teacher is not your enemy or some sort of sadist. Like this posture, your teacher is there to help you grow and improve your overall sense of well-being. This posture is a wonderful for the spine, by rounding and opening it up by creating a back extension with a powerful, inner compression.

Benefits of Standing Separate Leg to Head Knee Pose

·         Stimulates the endocrine/thyroid with the throat lock

·         Works the digestive system through the abdominal lift.

·         Assists the reproductive systems by practicing the root chakra lock.

·         Helps with symptoms of depression and memory loss.

·         Decrease sugar and blood pressure.

·         Balances the regulation of the pancreas and kidneys.

Tips for Performing This Posture:

·         Remember it’s okay to bend your front knee as much as you need to for the forehead to make contact with the knee.

·         If the heel of your back foot is lifting, shorten your step until your foot is flat on the ground.

·         Use the breath to your advantage when slightly separating your hands in front of your extended foot and exhale, pushing against the floor until your front leg is completely straightened. If your legs are already strengthened, bring your hands back into “prayer” position.  

·         When your spine is fully rounded, lift up through the belly button and lower abdominals, look at your chest to help further round the spine and visualize your belly button touching your spine. 

·         Peak in the mirror to see if your pelvis is square facing the correct side. Adjust as need be to create a balance in the hips.

·         If you continue to feel unstable, ground the front foot into the floor with your inside edge and the back foot into the floor with the outside edge.  

A link listed below for those who want to watch a how to video:


Light Up Your Life,
The little YogaGal